
ODIN: Europeans study vitamin D fortification and testing

4 year Project started Nov, 2013 http://www.odin-vitd.eu/
Cost: 8 million Euro
Two meetings and newsletters each year
Standard Vitamin D test
Food fortification
    (supplements have not worked well to increase the vitamin D levels of the entire population)

Comment by VitaminDWiki: Impossible to fortify a food with enough for everyone in Europe

The average European is not a white, thin, young, non-smoking, healthy male
Perhaps 25% are in categories of people who are at high riks of being vitamin D deficient.
dark skinned
intestinal problems
recovering from major trauma/surgery
have a disease which consumes vitamin D
live in cloudy region or much farther from Equator than mainland Europe
wear excessive clothes,
A person belonging to a single high risk category will need 2X to 5X as much
And, a person can belong in multiple categories - often needing at least 4X as much

The problem with getting meaningful fortification (in rough numbers)

>3,500 IU needed by 90% of adults
>8,000 IU needed by about 25% of the adults
> 2,000 IU might cause problems in about 10% of the children (vitamin D needed is proportional to weight
>1,000 IU can cause problems for <1 % of the adults (Increasing/decreasing drug effectiveness, allergy to vitamin d, loo little Magnesium, etc)
    Thus it is doubtful that even 1,000 IU will be recommended, an amount which might provide a little benefit to perhaps 20% of the population.

A possibility: provide 2 versions of several food products: with and without Vitamin D fortification.

Provide the public with an option, not a mandate
Give the public options they have now with milk and bread (some people do not consume lactose or gluten)
Given the extremely low cost of vitamin D, the fortification option would not have to be associated with extra cost.

See VitaminDWiki

All items in category Fortification of Vitamin D 136 items   The Top items are here:

Pages in BOTH Fortification and Europe

Many ways to increase Vitamin D
click on chart for details

Overview Deficiency of vitamin D has the following chart
Possible Vitamin D Interactions

AUSTRIA : Medizinische Universitat Graz www.meduni-graz.at/
BELGIUM : European Food Information Ressource AISBL www.eurofir.org
DENMARK : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet www.dtu.dk
     Aarhus Universitetshospital www.auh.dk/english
     Kobenhavns Universitet www.ku.dk
FINLAND : Helsingin Ylipisto www.helsinki.fi/food-and-environment/
FRANCE : Lallemand SAS www.lallemand.com
GERMANY : Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg www.uniklinik-freiburg.de
     Robert Koch-Institut www.rki.de
GREECE : Harokopio University www.hua.gr
ICELAND : Hjartavernd SES www.hjarta.is
IRELAND : University College Cork, National University of Ireland www.ucc.ie
     University College Dublin, National University of Ireland www.ucd.ie/agfoodvet/
     Creme Software, Ltd. www.cremeglobal.com
     Daithi O’Murchu Marine Research Station, Ltd. www.dommrc.com
     Monoghan Mushooms Ireland www.monaghan-mushrooms.com
NETHERLANDS : Stichting VU-VUMC www.vumc.nl
     Frieslandcmapina Nederland Holding BV www.frieslandcampina.com
     Danone Research BV www.danone.com
NORWAY : Universitetet I Tromsoe www.uit.no
PORTUGAL: Sparos, Lda. www.sparos.pt
SERBIA : Institut Za Medicinska Istra Ivanja www.srbnutrition.info
SLOVAKIA : PAMIDA International, Ltd. www.pamidainternational.com
SPAIN : Universidad Politecnica de Madrid www.upm.es
SWITZERLAND : DSM Nutritional Products, Ltd. www.dsmnutritionalproducts.com
UKRAINE : Donetsk National Medical University named after Maxim Gorkiy www.dsmu.edu.ua
UNITED KINGDOM : University of Surrey www.surrey.ac.uk
     Medical Research Council www.mrc-hnr.cam.ac.uk
     University of Southampton www.mrc.soton.ac.uk
     The University of Manchester http://www.manchester.ac.uk/
UNITED STATES : United States Department of Health and Human Services www.ods.od.nih.gov/

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