
COVID-19 - about 40 risk factors - March 2021

Many Reasons For Severity VDW#12413

COVID-19: Why does disease severity vary among individuals?

Respir Med. 2021 Mar 5;180:106356. doi: 10.1016/j.rmed.2021.106356
Saeed Samadizadeh 1, Maha Masoudi 1, Mostafa Rastegar 1, Vahid Salimi 2, Mahsa Bataghva Shahbaz 3, Alireza Tahamtan 4

The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is responsible for the current pandemic, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). While all people are susceptible to the SARS-CoV-2 infection, the nature and severity of the disease vary significantly among individuals and populations. Importantly, reported disease burdens and case fatality rates differ considerably from country to country. There are, however, still uncertainties about the severity of the disease among individuals or the reason behind a more severe disease in some cases. There is a strong possibility that the severity of this disease depends on a complicated interaction between the host, virus, and environment, which leads to different clinical outcomes. The objective of this article is to point out the essential influential factors related to the host, virus, and environment affecting the clinical outcome of COVID-19.
Table of Contents


Additional Reasons which appear to not be included in the study

  1. Lack of sunshine - which reduced vitamin D production
  2. Concealing clothing - which reduces vitamin D production
  3. Dark skin - which reduces vitamin D production
  4. Excessive pesticides or roundup - which reduces vitamin D
  5. Work 2nd or 3rd shift - which reduces Vitamin D production
  6. Live in a nursing home or prison - lack of sunshine
  7. Have poor gut which reduced Vitamin D from the gut
  8. Poor Vitamin D Receptor gene - which reduces the amount of vitamin d actually getting to genes
  9. Previous vaccination - flu, etc. which had stressed the immune system

26 health factors increase the risk of COVID-19 – all are proxies for low vitamin D

Note: No all of the risk factors apply to each of the COVID-19 phases

  • Risk of getting COVID-19 symptoms
  • Risk of going to the hospital
  • Risk of dying in hospital
  • Risk of still having long-haul symptoms months after leaving the hospital

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15268 C19-Severity variability Samadizadeh_compressed.pdf admin 17 Mar, 2021 500.30 Kb 413