
Vitamin or Mineral Supplements Don’t Prevent Dementia (only one Vitamin D trial, it used 400 IU) – Feb 2019

Vitamin or Mineral Supplements Don’t Prevent Dementia New York Times

Reporting on

Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: Vitamin and mineral supplementation for maintaining cognitive function in cognitively healthy people in mid and late life Dec 2018

VitaminDWiki rented the PDF, which describes the single Vitamin D trial considerd

Items in both categories Seniors and Cognitive are listed here:

Items of Cognition and Meta-analysis

Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D starts with

Cognitive category starts with the following

Very brief summary of Cognitive decline
Treatment : Vitamin D intervention slows or stops progression
Prevention : Many observational studies - perhaps Vitamin D prevents
Omega-3 both prevents and treats cognition
Wonder the benefits if both Vitamin D AND Omega-3 were to be used
Dementia page - 50 items

393 items in Cognition category

see also Overview Alzheimer's-Cognition and Vitamin D
Overview Parkinson's and Vitamin D

Studies in both categories of Cognition and:
Cardiovascular (8 studies), Genetics (9 studies), Vitamin D Receptor (16 studies), Omega-3 (52 studies), Intervention (20 studies), Meta-analyses (22 studies), Depression (24 studies), Parkinson's (24 studies)
Click here for details

Poor cognition 26 percent more likely if low Vitamin D (29 studies) – meta-analysis July 2017
Every schizophrenia measure was improved when vitamin D levels were normalized – June 2021
Cognitive Impairment and Dementia often associated with low Vitamin D – April 2020
IQ levels around the world are falling (perhaps lower Vitamin D, Iodine, or Omega-3)
Search VitaminDWiki for "WHITE MATTER" 325 items as of March 2023

Types of evidence that Vitamin D helps brain problems - 2014

The study did not consider the benefits of Omega-3%%% (Omega-3 is not a vitamin nor a mineral)

Items in BOTH the categories Cognition and Omega-3

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday February 4, 2019 19:07:17 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 6)

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