The interplay between vitamin D and viral infections
Reviews in Medical Virology
Majid Teymoori‐Rad Fazel Shokri Vahid Salimi Sayed Mahdi Marashi
- Vitamin D can inhibit enveloped virus (e.g. Corona, Herpes, Bird Flu, Epstein, Hepatitis, RSV, etc.) – March 2011
- Vitamin D Effective in Preventing Flu if not vaccinated - June 2018
- More US infants die in 1st day than in all other developed countries COMBINED (and US gives vaccine in first day) – May 2013
- Some enveloped virus are 1.2 X more likely if have a poor Vitamin D Receptor -Aug 2018
Virus category has the following
see also
Immunity, Ebola, HIV, Influenza Hepatitis B Hepatitis-C,Rotavirus, Shingles Enveloped Virus Virus-Pregnancy category has
23+ subsets of Virus category in Health Problems List :
Air pollution, Bird Flu, Cancers after VAX, Child - years after VAX, Cognitive, Dengue, Epstein-Barr Virus, Excess Deaths, Hepatitis , Herpes or Shingles, Ivermectin, Long-COVID, Magnesium, Masks, Mononucleosis, Omega-3, RSV, UV, Vaccination, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Receptor, Vitamin K, Zinc
Many viruses can apparently be dealt with by:
- Vaccination (if available & affordable & person is willing to have the side-effects)
- Getting Vitamin D into your blood
- Increasing the vitamin D actually getting to cells Magnesium, Omega-3, Resveratrol, etc
Especially enveloped viruses", Herpes, Zoster, Epstein, Hepatitis, Ebola, Dengue, Yellow fever, Measles, Mumps, smallpox, HIV
 Download the PDF from Sci-Hub via VitaminDWiki
Positive vs Negative (Have not looked at the studies to see how much vitamin D was given)
Only a few of the columns in the table
The pleiotropic role of vitamin D has been explored over the past decades and there is compelling evidence for an epidemiological association between poor vitamin D status and a variety of diseases. While the potential anti‐viral effect of vitamin D has recently been described, the underlying mechanisms by which vitamin D deficiency could contribute to viral disease development remain poorly understood. The possible interactions between viral infections and vitamin D appear to be more complex than previously thought. Recent findings indicate a complex interplay between viral infections and vitamin D, including the induction of anti‐viral state, functional immunoregulatory features, interaction with cellular and viral factors, induction of autophagy and apoptosis, and genetic and epigenetic alterations. While crosstalk between vitamin D and intracellular signalling pathways may provide an essential modulatory effect on viral gene transcription, the immunomodulatory effect of vitamin D on viral infections appears to be transient. The interplay between viral infections and vitamin D remains an intriguing concept, and the global imprint that vitamin D can have on the immune signature in the context of viral infections is an area of growing interest.
8446 visitors, last modified 15 Sep, 2021, |