Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric critical illness: Time to move on from observational studies?
Deficiencia de vitamina D en pacientes pediátricos críticos: ¿llegó el tiempo de dejar atrás los estudios observacionales?
Revista Chilena de Pediatría Volume 87, Issue 6, November–December 2016, Pages 439–441,
James Dayre McNallya, b, dmcnally at
items in BOTH of categories: Infant-Child and Trauma/Surgery
- Give ICU children a bolus dose of 10,000 IU of vitamin D per kg – RCT underway Sept 2024
- Sepsis is fought by Vitamin D in 9 ways – Feb 2023
- Fewer drugs needed after cardiac surgery if higher levels of vitamin D (Chinese children) – July 2021
- 3X less Septic Shock in children with sepsis getting 150,000 IU of Vitamin D - RCT June 2020
- PICU children with low vitamin D levels have worse health scores (PRISM-III) – Feb 2020
- Vitamin D levels dropped 42 percent immediately after pediatric cardiac surgery – Dec 2019
- Septic children have low Vitamin D (54 studies, ignored Vitamin D Receptor) – meta-analysis April 2019
- Candida infections in PICU reduced by Vitamin D in yogurt – RCT Feb 2019
- Children entering ICU with low vitamin D were 3.5 X more likely to have a poor ICU score– Oct 2018
- Critically ill children with low vitamin D: 2.5 X more likely to die or stay 2 days longer - meta-analysis Nov 2017
- Micronutrients (such as Vitamin D) for critically ill children – review Oct 2017
- Critically ill children – randomized clinical trial to give single doses of up to 400,000 IU of vitamin D – 2019
- Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric critical illness: Time to move on from observational studies – Nov 2016
- Low vitamin D in Pediatric ICU – 5 times more ill (morbidity) – Spanish Nov 2016
- Children in Intensive Care need Vitamin D loading dose of 10000 IU per kg (nearing a consensus) - Oct 2016
- Children stayed in ICU 3.5 days longer if low vitamin D – Dec 2015
- Rapid Normalization of Vitamin D in Critically Ill Children (10,000 IU per kg) – clinical trial
- Congenital Heart problems - vitamin D levels drop even lower after surgery, loading dose probably required - thesis 2015
- Infant in ICU much more likely to die if low vitamin D – Nov 2015
- 5 out of 6 children who died in pediatric critical care unit had low vitamin D – May 2014
- Hospitalization consumes vitamin D in children – March 2014
- Congenital heart surgery dropped vitamin D levels by 40 percent – July 2013
- Vitamin D deficient children stayed in ICU almost 2 days longer – Sept 2012
- Sepsis is both prevented and treated by Vitamin D - many studies
The Loading Dose and Infant-Child articles are listed here:
- Growing pains reduced in 91% of children with a single dose of Vitamin D – July 2024
- High-dose Vitamin D safe for children (10,000 IU daily, 600,000 IU bolus) – meta-analysis April 2022
- Childhood cancers – give Vitamin D loading dose if low – Oct 2021
- Vitamin D loading dose was as effective as daily dosing (rickets in this case) – RCT July 2021
- 3X less Septic Shock in children with sepsis getting 150,000 IU of Vitamin D - RCT June 2020
- Child soccer players who were deficient were helped by a single 200,000 IU vitamin D dose – RCT May 2020
- Infant Vitamin D doubles 6 months after birth (can double in 2 weeks)– Oct 2019
- Vitamin D levels in children optimized with six Vitamin D biscuits – RCT Nov 2018
- 2X improved development by severely malnourished children with 2 loading doses of vitamin D – RCT May 2018
- 100,000 IU Vitamin D weekly for 4 weeks is safe and effective for children – May 2019
- Vitamin D loading dose of 300,000 IU for children – 3 weeks with capsules, biscuits, injection – RCT Aug 2018
- Critically ill children – randomized clinical trial to give single doses of up to 400,000 IU of vitamin D – 2019
- Childhood asthma problems eliminated for months by 600,000 IU of Vitamin D injection – June 2017
- Quick restoration of vitamin D in children – 10,000 IU per kg loading dose was not enough – Jan 2017
- Takes a year to restore children and youths to good levels of vitamin D without loading dose - RCT Dec 2016
- Children in Intensive Care need Vitamin D loading dose of 10000 IU per kg (nearing a consensus) - Oct 2016
- Newborn Vitamin D - single 50,000 IU is better than daily – RCT Sept 2016
- Pediatric trials of high dose vitamin D -163 are in a single online database – Feb 2016
- Rapid Normalization of Vitamin D in Critically Ill Children (10,000 IU per kg) – clinical trial
- Vitamin D loading doses of up to 400,000 IU OK for adolescents – meta-analysis Dec 2014
- Neonate loading dose of 30,000 IU vitamin D helped a lot – May 2014
- Recurrence of child pneumonia delayed by 100000 IU of vitamin D – RCT Oct 2010
- 600,000 IU of vitamin D2 every 4 months for decades in East Germany – 1987
Critical illness occurs in millions of children worldwide each year. Novel means of decreasing mortality, speeding rehabilitation, and reducing long term morbidity would be of great value to the children, their families, and the health care system. Unfortunately, many proposed interventions have limited potential for widespread impact as they target uncommon problems or can be utilized in only a minority of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) due to cost or complexity. In this issue of Revista Chilena de Pediatria, Bustos and colleagues provide data on a new area of research with significant potential to positively impact Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) outcomes on a global scale.1 Their study evaluated vitamin D status among critically ill children in Chile, identifying vitamin D deficiency to not only be common but associated with greater illness severity and worse outcome. As eluded to in their discussion, optimization of vitamin D status could represent an ideal means of improving pediatric critical care outcomes both locally and worldwide as supplementation is generally considered safe, simple and inexpensive.
It has been close to 100 years since vitamin D was first identified and deficient body stores convincingly linked to significant bone disease. Moreover, it has been 4 decades since vitamin D was linked to pathology beyond calcium and bone. Since, an impressive number of observational studies and clinical trials have been performed evaluating the role of vitamin D in the health of non-classical organ systems and natural history of related disease processes. Given established pleiotropy involving organs central to the development and recovery from critical illness it is somewhat surprising that the ICU community only recently “discovered” vitamin D. Consider, for example, that the first ICU observational study suggesting a role for vitamin D was only published in 2009.2 Since this initial hypothesis generating work the adult research community has wasted little time performing and publishing dozens of observational studies from ICU's around the world. With measurements on tens of thousands of adult subjects, there is now overwhelming evidence that vitamin D deficiency is not only common but associated with worse clinical outcomes, including mortality. Although concerning, these findings have been received as an opportunity and the adult critical care community has proceeded to clinical trials.
But what about the PICU? Optimization of vitamin D status could be just as, if not more, important for the developing child struck by critical illness. Although adult research is relevant, it is important that the pediatric critical care community separately evaluate the importance of vitamin D deficiency and how best to approach supplementation. Ideally, pediatric critical care research on vitamin D would proceed in parallel with adult studies. Regrettably this has not been the case. In contrast to the adult research, the first PICU studies were not published until 2012,3 ; 4 with vitamin D measurements available from relatively fewer countries and on thousands instead of tens of thousands of patients. Consequently, observational studies like the one performed by Bustos and colleagues continue to make important contributions to the field. For example, their results serve to not only verify findings from previous observational reports, but as the first study from South America, help confirm vitamin D deficiency as a problem on all inhabited continents. In addition, Bustos and colleagues have also contributed important information to the debate about whether vitamin D status is relevant to clinical outcome. In addition to reporting that vitamin D deficiency is associated with greater organ dysfunction, Bustos and colleagues have the distinction of being the first pediatric study to report a statistically significant increase in mortality. Although the mortality findings are consistent with adult research, it is important to emphasize that not all PICU studies have identified relationships between vitamin D and clinical course.5 The conflicting results may be a consequence of small study sizes and poor power, and a systematic review and meta-analysis has been initiated with goal of pooling data to more precisely define the relationship. Nonetheless, given the well-known issue with confounding in observational studies, clinical trials will be required to definitively determine whether there are benefits to optimizing vitamin D status during critical illness.
The potential value of vitamin D supplementation and need for clinical trials have been recognized by the adult ICU community, as evidenced by the expeditious completion of 8 pilot RCTs and a moderate sized phase III.6 Again, what about the PICU? To date, outside of a small study focused on severe burns, there are no published clinical trials evaluating high dose vitamin D supplementation in the PICU setting.7 The reason most likely relates to both the delay in publication of PICU observational studies and uncertainty about how best to supplement vitamin D in the critically ill child. Although amplified in pediatrics, this uncertainty is evident in the adult research community as well. A review of ICU trials performed to date demonstrated significant heterogeneity in the selection of metabolites, dose, and route of administration.6 Fortunately, the way forward is becoming clear and the PICU research community benefits from these trials. Of the supplementation approaches studied the enteral loading therapy appears the most promising as it not only rapidly and safely normalizes vitamin D status but appeared to improve clinical outcome. In the only phase III RCT to date (VITdAL-ICU), Amrein and colleagues reported that a 540,000 IU enteral cholecalciferol load appeared to decrease mortality and improve long-term functional outcome in vitamin D deficiency critically ill adults.8 Further in their pilot RCT, Han and colleagues reported that enteral cholecalciferol loading reduced PICU length of stay significantly when compared to the placebo group.9 Over the past two years, significant progress has been made toward the identification of an appropriate dosing regimen for pediatrics studies. A systematic review and meta-regression of pediatric high dose vitamin D trials demonstrated weight based enteral loading of cholecalciferol at 10,000 IU/kg (maximum 400,000 IU) to be the most appropriate regimen for rapid and safe normalization of vitamin D status.10 A pilot dose evaluation clinical trial was initiated in 2016 (VITdAL-PICU, and recruitment should be complete by the end of 2017.
So what steps remain and when will answers be available for critically ill patients and their health care providers? Not surprisingly, definitive results should come sooner in the adult setting. The same research group that performed the VITdAL-ICU trial has developed a protocol for a large multicenter international phase III adult trial that will focus on confirming that vitamin D supplementation reduces mortality in critically ill patients with severe vitamin D deficiency. In contrast, it is unclear when a large phase III trial will be performed and completed in the PICU setting. In addition to determining the correct loading regimen, the field needs to decide on the outcome measure for the trial. The PICU research community could be tempted to focus on survival, given the positive findings in some observational studies including the one by Bustos and colleagues.1 Although it is often considered the most important outcome following critical illness, it may not be the best outcome for PICU clinical trials for multiple reasons. First, PICU mortality is often significantly below adult rates, and a focus on survival will lead to large sample size, raising study costs and reducing feasibility. Further, focusing on survival means that any benefits related to other patient oriented outcomes (e.g. health related quality of life) would not be accounted for. This concern is more than theoretical as the adult VITdAL-ICU study suggested that vitamin D deficient patients receiving rapid normalization had improvements in a number of long-term outcomes including risk of respiratory tract infections, falls, and measures of physical functioning.8
Increasingly, vitamin D deficiency is being recognized as a problem in the PICU. Critically ill patients, their families and health care providers want an answer to the question about whether to test for and rapidly normalize vitamin D status. Thanks to a dedicated ICU community, like Bustos and colleagues, the answer will come. The question is whether it will come as fast as it could? As a safe, simple and cheap intervention with potential to benefit both critically ill adults and children in ICU's around the world, this question should become a priority. Time will tell whether it is treated as such.
1 B. Bustos, I. Rodriguez-Nunez, R. Peña Zavala, G. Soto Germani
Vitamin D deficiency in children admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit
Rev Chil Pediatr (2016)
2 P. Lee, J.A. Eisman, J.R. Center
Vitamin D deficiency in critically ill patients
N Engl J Med, 360 (2009), pp. 1912–1914
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3 J.D. McNally, K. Menon, P. Chakraborty, et al.
The association of vitamin D status with pediatric critical illness
Pediatrics, 130 (2012), pp. 429–436
CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Citing articles (57)
4 K. Madden, H.A. Feldman, E.M. Smith, et al.
Vitamin D deficiency in critically ill children
Pediatrics, 130 (2012), pp. 421–428
CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Citing articles (55)
5 C. Rippel, M. South, W.W. Butt, L.S. Shekerdemian
Vitamin D status in critically ill children
Intensive Care Med, 38 (2012), pp. 2055–2062
CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Citing articles (34)
6 J.D. McNally, K. Amrein
Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric critical care
J Pediatric Intensive Care (2016)
7 N. Nama, K. Menon, K. Iliriani, et al.
A systematic review of pediatric clinical trials of high dose vitamin D
Peer J, 4 (2016), p. e1701
8 K. Amrein, C. Schnedl, A. Holl, et al.
Effect of high-dose vitamin D3 on hospital length of stay in critically ill patients with vitamin D deficiency: the VITdAL-ICU randomized clinical trial
JAMA, 312 (2014), pp. 1520–1530
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9 J.E. Han, J.L. Jones, V. Tangpricha, et al.
High dose vitamin D administration in ventilated intensive care unit patients: a pilot double blind randomized controlled trial
J Clin Transl Endocrinol, 4 (2016), pp. 59–65
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10 J.D. McNally, K. Iliriani, S. Pojsupap, et al.
Rapid normalization of Vitamin D levels: a meta-analysis
Pediatrics, 135 (2015), pp. e152–e166
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