Nutrients 2012, 4(1), 13-28; doi:10.3390/nu4010013
Anderson P. Jones, Meri K. Tulic, Kristina Rueter and Susan L. Prescott sprescott at
School of Paediatrics and Child health, University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia 6008, Australia
Received: 11 November 2011; in revised form: 2 December 2011 / Accepted: 20 December 2011 / Published: 28 December 2011
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nutritional Immunology)
Download PDF Full-Text 198 KB, uploaded 28 December 2011 13:45 CET
Abstract: A role for vitamin D in the regulation of immune function was first proposed after the identification of Vitamin D Receptors in lymphocytes. It has since been recognized that the active form of vitamin D, 1?,25(OH)2D3, has direct affects on naïve and activated helper T cells, regulatory T cells, activated B cells and dendritic cells. There is a growing body of literature linking vitamin D (serum 25(OH)D, oral intake and surrogate indicators such as latitude) to various immune-related conditions, including allergy, although the nature of this relationship is still unclear. This review explores the findings of epidemiological, clinical and laboratory research, and the potential role of vitamin D in promoting the inappropriate immune responses which underpin the rise in a broad range of immune diseases.
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See also VitaminDWiki
- Hypothesis adolescent allergies associated with low vitamin D levels
- All items in category Breathing - including asthma
The items in Autoimmune and Infant-Child D are listed here:
- Perhaps getting Vitamin D as infant decreases risk of Autoimmune Diseases as adult
- Breastfeeding a child without adding vitamin D increases risk of many food allergies (egg whites in this case) – Jan 2020
- Antibiotics increased the risk of asthma by 47%, and allergies by 25% - Dec 2019
- Low vitamin D newborns getting cows milk formula more likely to get allergies – RCT Oct 2019
- Childhood allergies (Atopy) 4.8 X more likely if low vitamin D in early pregnancy – Aug 2019
- Kawasaki disease (strawberry tongue) not treated by occasional 400 IU of Vitamin D – Feb 2019
- Food allergy is linked to season of birth, sun exposure, and vitamin D deficiency – Jan 2019
- Childhood Food Allergies (UK 1 in 14) – huge recent increase (low vitamin D) - Dec 2018
- Food allergies are associated with Vitamin D thru genes, etc. – March 2018
- Food allergies in children may be due to earlier low Vitamin D, Omega-3 and Zinc – Aug 2017
- T1 Diabetes associated with many other autoimmune diseases (all related to low vitamin D) – May 2017
- Infant allergy to cow’s milk will go away if have high levels of vitamin D – Jan 2017
- Food allergies and low vitamin D – thymus may be the connection – June 2016
- Food allergies 6 times higher in South Australia - 2009
- Hypothesis – Australia has highest rate of food allergy due to avoiding the sun – Sept 2015
- Food allergy 12X more likely if low vitamin D and vitamin D binding gene problem – Aug 2015
- Too much vitamin D: 1 pcnt increase in infants with food allergy, too little: 500 pcnt increase in children with food allergy - Aug 2015
- Kawasaki disease (strawberry tongue) associated with very low vitamin D – May 2015
- Less sun (less vitamin D) more anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction) – June 2014
- Low vitamin D at birth associated with later milk sensitization, allergic rhinitis and asthma – Nov 2014
- Pink eye (seasonal allergic conjunctivitis) associated with low vitamin D and high vitamin E – March 2014
- 11X more non-immigrant children allergic to peanuts if vitamin D less than 20 ng – Feb 2013
- 30 to 40 ng of vitamin D associated with the least peanut allergy – Nov 2012
- High level of maternal vitamin D and infant food allergy – controversy
- Youths with autoimmunity disorders were 2.3 X more likely to be vitamin D deficient – July 2012
- Still unsure of association between vitamin D and asthma and allergies – review April 2012
- Allergy - Overview
- 3X more allergy to peanuts if child born with low UV – Feb 2011
- More childhood allergies when vitamin D is less than 15 ng – Feb 2011