Press Release CALGARY, May 1, 2014 /CNW/
Preventive health care has emerged as a potential solution to Canada's cash-strapped health-care system. Instead of absorbing costs associated with treating people that are sick, preventive care involves investing money to ensure people live healthier lives. One preventive strategy that has spurred serious debate is the use of Vitamin D. Uncertainty persists as to whether Canadians are getting enough Vitamin D and whether supplementation would lead to a healthier population.
Media are invited to an upcoming symposium devoted to assessing the merits of Vitamin D supplementation as a health intervention strategy.
Health researchers from leading Canadian and US universities and public health officials from the FDA and Canadian governments will assemble to discuss and debate the latest research into this emerging health topic.
Professor Herb Emery of The School of Public Policy will also summarize key findings of the event's proceedings at a media conference.
What: Vitamin D symposium and press conference
When: Monday, May 5, 2014: Symposium- 8:15 a.m. to 4 p.m. Media Availability - 3 p.m.
Where: Fairmont Chateau Laurier, MacDonald Room / The Quebec Suite, 1 Rideau St. Ottawa, ON
For further information: Morten Paulsen, 403.399.3377, morten at
Henry Lahore of VitaminDWiki talked with 2 attendies on the phone a week later
Consensus that 4,000 IU and 40 ng or 50 ng is needed
Consensus that a higher level of vitamin D would reduce cost of health care
No consensus as to how to achieve the higher level: fortification, etc.
Various doctors feared that food fortification which would benefit the fast majority might harm a tiny minority. (incorrect)
Note: The Canadian Federal govt decides how little of vitamin D to recommend, but the Provincial govts. pay the resulting health bill.
See Typically takes a century for govts to fortify food with nutrients (like vitamin D)
Amazingly there was much more heated discussion about vitamin D than previous conferences on physician-assisted suicide
See also VitaminDWiki
- All items in category Cost Savings Vitamin D
158 items - All items in category Canada and Vitamin D
51 items - All items in category Fortification with Vitamin D
136 items - Vitamin D Webinar - cost of pre-term birth etc- Baggerly Nov 2013
- Opportunity: Enhance Workplace Wellness programs with Vitamin D
- Health Care Systems will save money by introducing vitamin D
- More likely to report that productvitiy was effected by health problems if low vitamin D - 2012
- Michael Holick – reduce health care costs 25 percent – interview Sept 2010
- Thoughts on improving vitamin D policies - Vieth Nov 2013
- 90 percent of Canadians do not have optimal levels of vitamin D – Nov 2013
- Vitamin D levels continue to fall: Canada 6 percent drop from 2009 to 2011 – Feb 2013
- Why the UK government ignores evidence for the benefits of Vitamin D - Nov 2013
- Does Less Sun mean More Disease by VitaminDWiki - includes story about a clinic reducing visits from 4/year down to 1/year after getting all patients to high vitamin D
It is doubtful that total health care expenses will drop 75% with high vitamin D, but a 50% drop seems possible- UK-NICE draft on vitamin D – extremely low doses and levels– May 2014 Discusses the options available to increase public health
Can Vitamin D be a Cure to Health Care Sustainability (question mark) – symposium May 20146994 visitors, last modified 25 Jun, 2015, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category) - All items in category Canada and Vitamin D