Toggle Health Problems and D

Blacks die more often than whites of many diseases (they have less vitamin D) – 2012

Cancer Facts & Figures for African Americans Cancer.org

  • “African Americans have the highest death rate and shortest survival of any racial and ethnic group in the US for most cancers”
  • Has a huge number of tables and charts, Note: Vitamin D is not mentioned

Leading Causes of Death as of March 2018

All Ages Death rateBlackWhiteRatio
Heart diseases 217 1711.27
Cancer 1991701.17
Cerebrovascular diseases51361.4
Diabetes 40 192.0

Rates per 100,000    Age adjusted   Non-Hispanic

CDC March 2017

 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki
Sample of many charts (augmented by VitaminDWiki)

Increased health problems in blacks is similar to that of low vitamin D whites (John Singleton Stroke)

Overview Dark Skin and Vitamin D in VitaminDWiki has the following list of studies

Cardiovascular and Dark Skin- - - - - - - 

Hypertension and Dark Skin- - - 

Stroke and Dark Skin- - - - - - - 

Diabetes and Dark Skin- - - - - - - 


Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday May 19, 2020 16:48:47 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 13)
Blacks die more often than whites of many diseases (they have less vitamin D) – 2012        
7713 visitors, last modified 19 May, 2020,
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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
10305 BW mortality.jpg admin 05 Aug, 2018 54.68 Kb 718
10304 186-Black, white health stats, CDC Cunningham.pdf admin 05 Aug, 2018 292.34 Kb 725