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Asthmatic children taking Corticosteroids had 2X more vitamin D intake, but lower levels – July 2017

Adequate Vitamin D Intake but Low Serum Levels in Pediatric Asthma Patients: A Pilot Study, Alberta Children's Hospital.

Can Respir J. 2016;2016:6982010. Epub 2016 Oct 27.


Well known: Corticosteroids are associated with low levels of Vitamin D
Wonder how the Asthmatic children got 2X more intake of vitamin D
1) Got 400 IU vitamin D supplement, 2) Chose to eat more foods with higher Vitamin D Levels, 3)?

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Howe McKenna S1, Fenton TR2, Noseworthy M3, Anselmo M3.

  • 1 Alberta Children's Hospital, 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary, AB, Canada T3B 6A8; Nutrition Services, Alberta Health Services, Calgary, AB, Canada.
  • 2 Nutrition Services, Alberta Health Services, Calgary, AB, Canada; Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute, O'Brien Institute of Public Health and Department of Community Health Sciences, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
  • 3 Respirology, Alberta Children's Hospital, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Background. We assessed vitamin D intakes and serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels in pediatric asthma patients on moderate-to-high dose inhaled steroids and compared them to published findings of healthy children in our city.

Methods. Parents and/or patients were interviewed to estimate the children's vitamin D intakes from foods and supplements (using an adapted validated food frequency questionnaire) and asthma duration and management. Vitamin D status: serum 25-hyroxy vitamin D (25(OH)D) was obtained from the medical records.

Results. Vitamin D intakes from food and supplements of the asthma patients (n = 20, 742 ± 185 IU/day) were significantly higher compared to healthy Canadian children (n = 1442, 229 ± 121 IU/day). Despite higher vitamin D intakes, the children had nonsignificantly lower serum 25(OH) vitamin D levels compared to the comparison group. Serum 25(OH)D levels increased by 3.6 nmol/L with each 100 IU of vitamin D intake (95% Confidence interval = 2.0-4.0, R2 = 0.931, and p = 0.001).

Conclusion. Since adequate vitamin D status in asthma patients is necessary to support bone mineral accretion, it is important to achieve adequate vitamin D status by checking serum 25(OH)D status and supplement accordingly.

PMID: 27867307 PMCID: PMC5102727 DOI: 10.1155/2016/6982010

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