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After 57 years FDA is declaring NAC to be a drug (note: 16 trials are investigating NAC ability to fight COVID-19) – June 2021

NAC Banned on Amazon, Threatened by FDA Mercola June 16, 2021

"May 6, 2021, Natural Products Insider reported that Amazon is removing all NAC products from the site, following warning letters being sent out by the FDA stating NAC cannot be lawfully marketed as a dietary supplement because it was first studied as a drug in 1963"

Note; The FDA "documentation" of the 1963 date was handwritten

Article includes many reasons to believe that NAC (N-acetylcysteine) might fight COVID-19

Clinical Trials

Founder of VitaminDWiki had wondered a week before why the FDA has decided to no longer consider NAC to be a supplement

Suspect that the source of FDA funding did not want to allow a supplement to be important to health

Earlier in June 2021 the FDA went against all of their advisors and approved an extremely expensive drug for Alzhieimer's

Vitamin D is one of 14 ways proven to treat COVID-19 – July 2021

Vitamin D meta-analyses for COVID-19

COVID-19 treated by Vitamin D - studies, reports, videos

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Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday July 20, 2021 13:54:57 GMT-0000 by admin. (Version 5)