Low Vitamin D Linked with All-Cause Death MedPageToday
<20 ng/mL, the adjusted hazard ratio for death was 2.37
Study by Mayo Clinic - for ages 18 and older
Primary Source
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research – annual meeting
Source Reference: Dudenkov D, et al "Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D values and risk of all-cause mortality: a population-based, retrospective cohort study" ASBMR 2016; Abstract FR0001.
See also VitaminDWiki
- 1.9 X more likely to die if very low vitamin D – June 2014
- Women very low on vitamin D were 56 percent more likely to die in nursing home – Feb 2012
- US people pay more for health care and die sooner (Vitamin D could help) - Aug 2016
- The Nutrient That Could Save One Million Lives (vitamin D) - Nov 2015
- Chance of dying of various conditions reduced by higher levels of vitamin D – May 2015
- Vitamin D extends lifespan about 60 percent (for worms in a lab) – Oct 2016
- Mortality category listing has
323 items has the following chart The Meta-analysis of Mortality and Vitamin D are listed here:
- Pancreatic cancer mortality 28% more likely if low vitamin D – meta-analysis Jan 2024
- COVID and Vitamin D: 2X more likely to die if low, 2X more likely to survive if supplement – umbrella meta-analysis April 2024
- Maternal pregnancy problems if Vitamin D is less than 40 ng – meta-analysis Oct 2022
- COVID-19 mortality extrapolates to zero at 50 ng of vitamin D – 18th Meta-analysis Sept 2021
- Deaths from many types of Cancer associated with low vitamin D- review of meta-analyses Sept 2020
- Cardiovascular death 1.5X more likely if less than 20 ng of Vitamin D – 22nd meta-analysis Nov 2019
- People supplemented with Vitamin D had 13 percent fewer Cancer deaths – Meta-analysis of RCT June 2019
- Cancer with low Vitamin D increases Mortality by 13 percent – meta-analysis Feb 2019
- Low Vitamin D is associated with dying sooner (70 studies) – meta-analysis Jan 2019
- Prostate Cancer death 40 percent less likely if 40 ng level of vitamin D – Meta-analysis Oct 2018
- Review of meta-analyses of non-skeletal benefits of vitamin D (Mortality, RTI, etc) – July 2017
- Chronic Kidney Disease mortality is 60 percent less likely if good vitamin D – meta-analysis July 2017
- Lung Cancer death 60 percent less likely if high level of vitamin D – 2 meta-analysis 2017
- Breast Cancer Mortality reduced 60 percent if more than 60 ng of Vitamin D – meta-analysis June 2017
- Cardiovascular deaths 12 percent less likely if have 10 ng more vitamin D – meta-analysis March 2017
- ICU patients 30 % less likely to die if have enough vitamin D – meta-analysis Nov 2016
- Less likely to die if have enough vitamin D - Meta-analysis June 2014
- Cancer survival 4 percent more likely with just a little more vitamin D (4 ng) - meta-analysis July 2014
- Death due to breast cancer reduced 40 percent if high vitamin D – meta-analysis April 2014
- Vitamin D reduces risk of cause specific death, unless it is D2 – meta-analysis BMJ April 2014
- More survive Breast Cancer if more vitamin D – 2X fewer deaths with just 30 ng -meta-analysis March 2014
- Colorectal and Breast Cancer – Vitamin D is associated with fewer deaths – meta-analysis Feb 2014
- Death of women from cancer 24% less likely if 20 ng more vitamin D – meta-analysis Sept 2013
- Chance of dying increases by 25 percent in seniors if low vitamin D – Meta-analysis July 2013
- Breast Cancer survival 2X more likely if vitamin D sufficient – meta-analysis May 2013
- Vitamin D with Calcium reduces mortality by 7 percent – meta-analysis May 2012
- Death rate reduced 8 percent for 8 nanogram more vitamin D – meta-analysis Feb 2012
- 40 ng Vitamin D perhaps optimal for reduced mortality – Meta-analysis Jan 2012
- Vitamin D3 but not D2 reduces mortality – meta-analysis July 2011
- Vitamin D and mortality a meta-analysis of RCT - 2008
2.4 times more likely to die if low Vitamin D (11,000 people for 14 years) – Sept 20164592 visitors, last modified 26 Dec, 2016, This page is in the following categories (# of items in each category)