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10 Diseases associated with Multiple Sclerosis are also associated with low Omega-3 and vitamin D – Feb 2016

Multiple sclerosis - A lifestyle disease?

Neurology Journal Editorial doi:http:/​/​dx.​doi.​org/​10.​1212/​WNL.​0000000000002487
William B. Grant, PhD and Trond Riise, PhD

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Chronic diseases are the primary cause of disability, morbidity, and death in Western developed countries. Many of these diseases are related to environmental influences including diet, smoking, and other lifestyle factors. Public health measures address some of these factors, and studies strengthening the links between environmental factors and health can be useful in this regard.

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Editorial documented 10 diseases associated with Multiple Sclerosis

  • 10 of the diseases are also associated with low Omega-3
  • 7 of the diseases are also associated with low Vitamin D or low UVB

The only diseases which the editorial did not associate with low vitamin D/UVB were

Disease A few studies on VitaminDWiki
EpilepsyEpilepsy associated with low vitamin D 37 years ago
Epileptic main page in VitaminDWiki
Bipolar disorderBipolar Spectrum Disorder decreased with 2,000 IU of vitamin D - June 2015
Vitamin D, Omega-3 supplementation helps cognition – perhaps due to serotonin – Feb 2015
SchizophreniaOverview Schizophrenia and Vitamin D
Omega-3, Vitamin D, and other nutrients decrease mental health problems – March 2015


  • It appears that all 10 of the MS associated diseases are associated with low Omega-3 and low vitamin D
  • Omega-3 is synergistically associated with vitamin D
  • It is very important that MS patients increase their levels of Omega-3 and Vitamin D so as to minimize getting the associated diseases
  • Getting a lot of vitamin D has ''cured" > 1000 MS patients

See also VitaminDWiki

Reductions in Vitamin D is.gd/VitDReductions

See also web

  • How Common Is It To Have MS With Other Medical Conditions? Jan 2012 National MS Society
    5 most prevelant: depression, anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and chronic lung disease.
    The most prevalent autoimmune diseases occurring with MS were thyroid disease and psoriasis.
    Cancer:cervical, breast, and digestive system cancers.
    higher than expected risk of meningiomas and urinary system cancers
    lower than expected risk of pancreatic, ovarian, prostate and testicular cancer, compared to the general population.
    Also: heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, seizure disorders, bipolar disorder, sleep disorders, and alcohol abuse.
  •  Download MS Cormorbid Review - Jan 2015 from VitaminDWiki
    Very detailed list - with % indicence

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