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23 Cancers in the US are associated with low UVB - Grant April 2024

Cancer Incidence Rates for non-Hispanic White Men and Women in the US in 2016-2020 with Respect to Solar UVB Doses, Diabetes and Obesity Prevalence, Lung Cancer Incidence Rates, and Alcohol Consumption: An Ecological Study

William B. Grant Sunlight, Nutrition, and Health Research Center, 1745 Pacific Ave., Suite 504,, San Francisco, CA 94109, USA () Correspondence: wbgrant at infionline.net

UVB Dose (kJ/m2) ranges from 4.1 to 9.0


This article reports the results of an ecological study of cancer incidence rates by state in the US for the period 2016-2020. The goals of this study were to determine the extent to which solar UVB doses still reduced cancer risk compared to findings reported in 2006 for cancer mortality rates for the periods 1950-1969 and 1970-1794 as well as cancer incidence rates for the period 1998-2002 and to determine which factors were recently associated with cancer risk. The cancer data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Indices were obtained for solar UVB at the surface for July 1992, and alcohol consumption, and diabetes and obesity prevalence near the 2016-2020 period. Lung cancer incidence rates were also used in the analyses. The cancers for which solar UVB is significantly associated with reduced incidence are bladder, brain (males), breast, corpus uteri, esophageal, gastric, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, pancreatic, and renal cancer. Lung cancer was significantly associated with colorectal, laryngeal, and renal cancer. Diabetes was also significantly associated with breast, liver, and lung cancer. Obesity prevalence was significantly associated with breast, colorectal and renal cancer. Alcohol consumption was associated with bladder and esophageal cancer. Thus diet has become a very important driver of cancer incidence rates. The dietary approach that would reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, lung cancer, and, therefore cancer, would be one based mostly on whole-plants and restrictions on red and processed meats and ultraprocessed foods.
 Download the PDF from VitaminDWiki

UVB probably decrease of Cancer even more if the entire year had been considered, not just July.

There are perhaps 10X more hours per year with UVB >3 in Florida than Alaska

30+ VitaminDWiki Ultraviolet pages have CANCER in the title

This list is automatically updated

Items found: 30
Title Modified
23 Cancers in the US are associated with low UVB - Grant April 2024 17 May, 2024
Vitamin D from the sun reduces the risk of internal cancers, but increases some skin cancers – Nov 2021 05 Feb, 2023
Gastric Cancer, Vitamin D, VDR, UV - many studies 10 Nov, 2022
Most sunscreens actually increase the growth of skin cancer - May 2010 26 Apr, 2021
Some cancer rates are reduced when live at high altitude, but other cancers increase after a few generations – March 2021 27 Mar, 2021
Book: Sunlight, UV, Vitamin D and Receptor, Skin and other Cancers - Dec 2020 09 Dec, 2020
Breast Cancer risk reduced 17 percent by 1 hour of daily summer sun – meta-analysis Jan 2020 07 Jan, 2020
Brain cancer in 175 countries related to low UVB and low vitamin D – Oct 2010 03 Oct, 2018
UVA causes skin cancer, perhaps UVB (Vitamin D) prevents skin cancer – Jan 2017 27 Jan, 2017
Skin cancer (in mice) due to UV was prevented by vitamin D (active, topical) – June 2016 07 Jan, 2017
Getting little UV is associated with 15 types of Cancer – Jan 2012 26 Aug, 2016
A review of the evidence regarding the solar ultraviolet-B-vitamin D-cancer hypothesis - Oct 2012 08 Jan, 2016
Fewer heart attacks, hip fractures and deaths if more skin cancer – Sept 2013 09 Nov, 2014
Many other anti-cancer photoproducts generated on the skin in addition to vitamin D – Jan 2014 19 Aug, 2014
Less intestinal cancer in mice if add vitamin D, but even less with ultraviolet light – June 2014 05 Jun, 2014
Cancer incidence in 87 countries is related to food, smoking, alcohol, GDP, and UVB - Jan 2014 08 Jan, 2014
Too much UVB: skin cancer, too little UVB: other cancers due to low vitamin D – April 2012 18 Nov, 2013
4 uses of tanning beds per year did not reduce rate of internal cancers – Oct 2013 16 Oct, 2013
Solar UVB reduces Cancer Risk – Grant, Jan 2013 02 Oct, 2013
Eye cancer and UV – Review of controversy – Sept 2013 09 Sep, 2013
Less UV: 2X more breast cancer – June 2011 08 Jul, 2013
More UVB is associated with less cancer – study of 450,000 people – April 2012 13 Apr, 2013
Some childhood cancer 30% less likely in parts of California with more UVB – April 2013 13 Apr, 2013
Texas company claimed tanning beds prevent cancer – had to pay 142,000 dollar fine – March 2013 13 Mar, 2013
China has documented that less UV results in more cancer – June 2010 07 Jan, 2013
The sun appears better at reducing incidence of some cancers than vitamin D – Dec 2012 17 Dec, 2012
Vitamin D protects mouse from skin cancer – Sept 2012 29 Nov, 2012
UVB and vitamin D inversely associated with pancreatic cancer April 2010 31 Oct, 2012
Lack of solar UVB in US is associated with some Cancers - 2006 28 Dec, 2011
Some cancer due to low UV – Grant – April 2010 13 Oct, 2011

VitaminDWiki – Cancer category contains:

Cancers get less Vitamin D when there is a poor Vitamin D Receptor

56+ VitaminDWiki pages have GRANT (but not migrant) in the title

This list is automatically updated, unfortunately includes grants, granted and vitaminDwiki

Items found: 56
Title Modified
23 Cancers in the US are associated with low UVB - Grant April 2024 17 May, 2024
Vitamin D: Viral infections, Infectious diseases, EBV and MS, Virus and Cancers – Grant March 2024 03 Mar, 2024
Top Vitamin D papers - Grant Jan 2020 03 Mar, 2024
Top 25 Vitamin D papers in 2020 - Grant 03 Mar, 2024
Increase life expectancy by 2 years if double Vitamin D levels – Grant July 2011 22 Jan, 2024
Lack of Vitamin D due to lack of Sun, global perspective - Grant Jan 2024 10 Jan, 2024
Vitamin D testing and supplementation would improve health – Grant Jan 2020 05 Oct, 2023
Increasing the vitamin D level of all Canadians to 40 ng would save 6 to 18 billion dollars a year – Grant Nov 2016 23 Aug, 2023
Periodontal Disease and Vitamin D - interview and transcript - GRH, Grant July 2023 02 Aug, 2023
Dental problems if low Vitamin D (Hill's, Global Rec.) - Grant June 2023 02 Aug, 2023
Yes, Vitamin D can be a magic bullet - Grant March 2020 01 Aug, 2023
Reduce 4 health problems by a quarter if increase Vitamin D to 30 ng – Saudi Arabia, Grant March 2023 17 May, 2023
The Role of Vitamin D in Reducing Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia - transcript Dr. Grant March 2023 12 Mar, 2023
My Life as a Vitamin D Researcher – Dr. Grant Feb 2023 19 Feb, 2023
The Real Story on Vitamin D: interview and transcript – Grant Dec 2022 10 Dec, 2022
African American Health Disparities are associated with low Vitamin D - Grant Feb 2021 10 Dec, 2022
Vitamin D should reduce hospital-acquired infections – Grant Dec 2012 10 Dec, 2022
Mortality reduced by 35 percent if everyone had 50 ng of vitamin D - Grant Oct 2021 09 Dec, 2022
Interview with transcript concerning UVA, UVB, and health – Grant Dec 2012 09 Dec, 2022
Dr. Grant on vitamin D and mortality in VitaminDWiki 09 Oct, 2022
Mortality reduced if Vitamin D levels raised to 30 ng ( Middle East this time) - Grant Oct 2022 09 Oct, 2022
Debunking Misinformation About Vitamin D - Grant podcast and transcript - Sept 2022 21 Sep, 2022
The problems with healthcare in the U.S., following the disinformation playbook – Grant Dec 2017 23 Jun, 2022
Interview with transcript of Dr. Grant on Vitamin D and Cancer by Dr. Moss - June 2022 23 Jun, 2022
By Dr. Grant in VitaminDWiki 01 Mar, 2022
Vitamin D benefits ignored at a time they are most needed - Grant Jan 9, 2022 10 Jan, 2022
Top Vitamin D Papers - Grant 2017 09 Jan, 2022
Cancer incidence and death reduced by both Vitamin D and UVB – Grant Oct 2021 15 Oct, 2021
Vitamin D and Health video with transcript - Dr. Grant Sept 2021 11 Sep, 2021
Vitamin D and COVID-19: Video and PDF by Dr. Grant (includes recommendations)- Nov 25, 2020 26 Nov, 2020
Preventing a COVID-19 pandemic with Vitamin D – Grant April 2020 02 Apr, 2020
Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers are still strongly associated with low Vitamin D – Grant Jan 2020 01 Jan, 2020
Evidence that Vitamin D prevents Cancer – Grant Feb 2018 29 Jan, 2018
Vitamin D Video 53 minutes with text and PDFs – Grant Oct 2017 28 Nov, 2017
Canadian grant funding lost for prescribing 50,000 IU of vitamin D – July 2017 23 Jul, 2017
Pregnancy and Vitamin D bibliography - Dr. Grant - March 2017 20 Mar, 2017
Bibliography of Black-White health disparities linked to vitamin D - Dr. Grant March 2017 20 Mar, 2017
Prenancy and Vitamin D biliogrraphy - Dr. Grant - March 2017 20 Mar, 2017
Patent granted for adding vitamin D to sunblock and skin cream - Feb 2011 05 Jan, 2017
Optimum Vitamin D level: Evidence for 30 and 40 ng – Grant Aug 2013 28 Feb, 2016
Low UVB (thus low Vitamin D) is linked to many diseases – Grant Jan 2016 10 Jan, 2016
Time-release form of active vitamin D granted a patent for chronic kidney disease – July 2014 26 Jul, 2015
Vitamin D2 patent granted to prevent hair loss during chemotherapy – 2002 11 May, 2015
Less sun means more disease -Grant, Holick, Cannell, et al Feb 2015 05 Mar, 2015
Autism and vitamin D: Cannell, Grant – March 2013 05 Jan, 2015
Evidence that the minimum vitamin D blood level is 30 ng – Grant Nov 2012 21 Jan, 2014
Summary of Vitamin D trials - Grant Nov 2012 18 Jan, 2014
Solar UVB reduces Cancer Risk – Grant, Jan 2013 02 Oct, 2013
UK Day-Cares being offered grants to develop vitamin D methods – July 2012 27 Dec, 2012
Getting sunshine improves your health provided you do not sunburn - Grant Dec 2012 11 Dec, 2012
Review of Vitamin D trials - Grant Jan 2012 25 Nov, 2012
Abu Dhabi 2012 - Grant 11 Apr, 2012
Evidence for Vitamin D - Grant Aug 2011 09 Nov, 2011
Some cancer due to low UV – Grant – April 2010 13 Oct, 2011
Recommend 2500-4000 IU per day to reduce all-cause mortality by 18%– Grant Netherlands April 2010 13 Jul, 2011
Vitamin D overview by Grant - Jan 2011 13 Jul, 2011

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ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
21134 Cancer UVB females.webp admin 27 Apr, 2024 110.86 Kb 63
21129 Cancer UVB male.webp admin 24 Apr, 2024 111.57 Kb 85
21128 Cancer incidence vs UVB.pdf admin 24 Apr, 2024 362.38 Kb 46